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International Conference

on  History & Archival Studies (ICHAS)

August 15-16, 2021

Istanbul, Turkey

       Location: Istanbul, Turkey (virtual)

  • Date: August 15-16, 2021

  • Final Abstract Submission: July 25, 2021

  • Notification: within 4-5 days of abstract submission

  • Registration & Payment Deadline: July 28th 2021

  • Organization: Capital City Conferences, Seiffulin Kazakh  Agrotechnical University

The Capital City Conferences in collaboration with the Seiffulin Kazakh Agrotechnical University invite scholars in the International Conference on History and Archival Studies. The Capital City Conferences organization is dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference programs. CCC is an international forum based in Turkey working for the promotion and development of young scientists across the globe by providing consultancy in academic programs and training the teachers for their professional competence and research activities. This high quality conference provides an exceptional value for students, academicians and faculty members.

Call for Contributions

Interested authors/researchers are encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of History and Archive studies.  The International Conference on History & Archival Studies provides a theoretical and practical framework for creating and understanding archival collections, including why we make them and how we maintain them. history with the study of archival practice and maintenance, special collections, libraries, museums, and other entities that recognize the critical value of keeping and maintaining historical documentation.

The ICHAS is organized for:

  • Faculty members in all disciplines of history, social sciences, documentation, library studies

  • Graduate students

  • Administrators

  • Teachers

  • Principals

After peer-reviewing process, all full papers will be published in the proceedings.

Conference Languages 

English, Turkish, Russian














Tarih Yazıcılığı
Tarih Felsefesi
Tarih ve Diğer Disiplinler

Öğretim Programları
Ders Kitapları
Öğretmen Yetiştirme
Strateji, Yöntem ve Teknikler
Materyal Tasarımı
Kavram, Beceri ve Değer Öğretimi
Disiplinlerarası Konu ve Yaklaşımlar
Etkinlik Örnekleri
Karşılaştırmalı Öğretim
Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar
Okul Dışı Tarih Öğretimi
Tarih Eğitiminin Tarihi
Bilim Tarihi

Guidelines for Authors

Please ensure your submission meets the conference's strict guidelines for accepting scholarly papers.  Please download the Abstract Template for preparation of your abstract.


Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit  abstracts or full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. Full text papers (doc) will be accepted via email directly.

• One Best Oral Presentation will be selected from each oral session. The Certificate will be awarded right after each session ends, so please stay the whole duration of the session.

Publication Ethics

We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the hallmark any academic event and the production of epistemic production. Hence, any act of plagiarism will disqualify the participant/s from the academic event. 


In order to participate in the conference, at least one author of each paper must register for the conference.You're simply required to  send the receipt to us via email before the registration deadline 8th April 2021. The payment links will be sent prior to the deadline

to each applicant. 

Presenters Fee: 55 USD/ 450 TL

Students Fee: 45 USD / 350 TL

For Azerbaijani Participants: 75 AZN

**Free for graduate students of Kazakh Agrotechnical University

**%50 discount for academic staff of Kazakh  Agrotechnical University


Prof. Dr. Sarash KONYRBAYEVA- Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University 

Prof. Dr. Mykola Vaskiv- Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Prof. Dr. Jarkınbike SULEYMANOVA- Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University 

Dr. N.B. Mukhanov- Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University

Dr. Froilani D. Mobo (Philippines Merchant Marine Academy, Philippines)
Dr. Ram Sharma (Chaudari Charan Singh University, India

Dr. Alptekin TOSUN-Giresun University, Turkey

Dr. Şebnem Alanya TOSUN-Giresun University, Turkey

Dr. Fayruza H. GARİPOVA-Bashkir State University, Russia

Dr. Mutlu ÖZGEN-Independent Researcher

Dr. İradə ZƏRQAN-AMEA Philosophy Institute

Dr. Kubanychbek ISAKOV-Osh State University

 Dr.  Yana Karamalakova -Trakia University; Bulgaria

Dr. Sanghamitra Adhya -Kalyani Mahavidyalaya

Dr. Hazim Abed Mohammed AL-JEWAREE-AlKitab University

Dr. Sandugash TLEUBAY-Abai National State University, Kazakhstan

Dr. Baurjan BOTAKARAYEV-Ahmet Yassawi University, Kazakhstan

Dr. Melahet BABAYEVA - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University

Dr. Halide MEMMEDOVA - Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Dr. Hikmet GULUYEV - Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences


Auxiliary Sciences of History and Historical Research

Philosophy of History
History and Other Disciplines

Turkish Historians
World Historians


Archival Studies

Media Archives

Archives and Digitalisation

Audio/Visual Media and Technologies in Archives 

Archival Issues

Archival Science


Archives and Manuscripts

Archives and Museum Informatics

The National Archives

Religious archives

Museum archives

Government or national archives

College and university archives

Corporate archives

History Education

Teaching Programs
Course Books
Teacher Training
Strategy, Method and Techniques
Material Design
Concept, Skill and Value Teaching
Assesment and Evaluation
Interdisciplinary Issues and Approaches
Examples of Activities
Comparative Education
Innovative Approaches
Out-of-School History Teaching
History of History Education
Science History



Abdyrov Aitzhan Muhamedzhanovich

Professor Dr. First Vice Chairman of the Board of  S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical University 

Honorary Chair 

S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical University 


Meyramova Saltanat Akimovna

Associate Professor, Director of the Center for the Development of International Cooperation and Multilingual Education

Conference Head

Seiffulin Kazakh Agrotechnical University


Murzabekova Gulden Eslyambekovna

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies

Organizing Committee Member 

Seiffulin Kazakh Agrotechnical University


Zhuldyz Tashkenbayeva (PhD)

Head of Organizing Committee

Seiffulin Kazakh Agrotechnical University

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-19 at

Elvan CAFAROV (lecturer)

Head of Organizing Committee


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